
Elder Cook

It is not enough just to know that God loves you. The gift is to be felt continually day by day


In overtime we pray but God answers in His time


The greatest salesman

I will greet each day with love in my heart

Joseph F. Smith Jr.

The Lord has made it very clear that we do not HAVE to serve Him, but if we seek the blessings of righteousness, we will serve Him, & there is no peace, nor happiness, nor joy, nor satisfaction, nor freedom in any other course. Let our love extend & our righteousness increase for our own sakes & for those who depend on us.


Dallin H Oaks

The foremost quality of the pioneers was faith

A fanatic is someone who loses sight of the goal but has redoubled his efforts to get there

Much of the misery encouraged by Satan comes from losses. Satan experienced that kind of misery when he lost his 1st estate. Now he tries to inflict similar losses on those who have proceeded to mortality, the 2nd estate. Satan encourages a loss of virtue, a loss of integrity, a loss of reputation, a loss of ideals, a loss of wholesome associates, & even a loss of life

The most effective missionaries…always act out of love
It is His work, not ours & it must be done in His way & on His timing, not ours. Otherwise, our efforts may be fated to frustration & failure.
We must be sure we act out of love & not in any attempt to gain personal recognition or advantage

We should live so that what [Gordon B. Hinkley] called ‘the tremendous power of the example of a member of the church’ will influence those around us

John (Newport Coast)

The moment we begin to fear we become atheist because we put not our trust in God who has the ability to save us from that which we fear

Barbara Fellingham

It is not all about money & possessions, it's all about love & kindness


Albert Einstein

We do not learn to simply accumulate knowledge. We learn to become better than we are now.

Jeffery R Holland

Most thou shalt commandments are ment to keep us from hurting others, thou shalt not covet was meant to keep us from hurting ourselves

I can not ever take it off - I will always be an Apostle. I can't take off a Saturday, etc. I do know what I'm supposed to do & there will never be a time when I will not be worthy. Same as being a member of the church or a disciple of Christ.

If you won't be loyal in the small things, you can't be loyal in the big things.

Some music will interfere with the communication from the Spirit.

Whatever you do, do it heartily. Be positive with things you aren't positive.

Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come

- We have a responsibility to Christ to stand as a witness of God at all times and in all places


De colores, de colores visten los campos en la primavera
De colores, de colores son los pajaritos que vienen je furea
De colores, de colores es el arco iris que vemos lucir

y por eso los grande amores de muchos colores me gustan a mi

Thomas Carslie

The 1st duty of man is to subdue fear. We can not act at all until we have put fear under our feet. We are slaves to fear

Elder McDonald (of the 70's)

Beware of trojan horses that we willingly bring into our homes


Henry Ward Beecher

A smile is a light in the window of a face that signifies the heart is at home and waiting. Nothing on earth can smile but man. gems may flash a reflective light, but what is the flash of a diamond compared with the flash of a smile? A face that can not smile is like a bud that can not blossom. It withers away and dies on its stalk. Laughter is day - sobriety is night & the smile is the twilight that hovers gently between both & more bewitching than the other

Harriet Beecher Stowe

The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid & deeds left undone

John A Widsoe

A temple is a place in which those who God has chosen are endowed with power from on high

B Riley

It doesn't matter how you get there - but that you get there & have a fervent unwavering testimony of Christ

Fortune Cookie

What we anticipate seldom occurs, what we least expect generally happens


I think a lot of people look at me and say I'm weird, but what I've noticed - and this used to worry me a lot when I was little - is that I don't know one normal person. I've never met one actually. We all have our special odd little things & we should be proud of that

Rocky Balboa

If you hang out with yoyo's -you'll become a yoyo

Blind Man regarding a meeting w/ Howard W. Hunter

I couldn't see him leave, but I felt him leave

Karen M Mouriten (to an athiest)

God must have a huge sense of humor, so righteous to resist the temptation of turning the tables on your pretending He does not exist.

Melissa Rirullio

Instead of cussing her out, I turned around & said 'I'm sorry'

Marcel Proust

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but having new eyes

John Wesley Paul

All the emotions of the human spirit are coined into song

Randy Brady

Though others may fall, stand tall! If your back's against the wall, stand tall! When challenges come & you're feeling quite numb, just add up the sum of what you can become & stand tall!

Perhaps there is a plan that we have things in common with a tree. Their spouts get food & shelter, so they gradually begin to grow. The years are marked by height & rings. As each new storm some testing brings. Though drought can maim, yet through it all a strong young tree grows straight & tall & spreads it’s arms to heaven above. To feel the warmth of light & love

The Gladiator

What we do in this life, echos and eternity


You have forgotten who you are - and so forgotten me.

Darrin Ohlwiler

I became converted to Him even though there were tough times & rough times. It was worth it.

Frank Sinatra & George Burns

I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate

Dottie Walters

Failure? I've never encountered it. All I ever met were temporary set backs

Scott Ross

Becoming a saint is not a casual endevor

Meade McGuire

Father, where shall I work today? And my love flowed warm & free. Then He pointed out a tiny spot & said, 'tend that for me' I answered quickly, 'oh no, not that! Why, no one would ever see, no matter how well my work was done; not that little place for me.' & the word He spoke, it was not stern; He answered me tenderly, 'Ah, little one, search that heart of thine. Art thou working for them or me? Nazareth was a little place & so was Galilee.'

Walt Disney

If you can dream it, you can do it

Thomas Edison

Mother! Come see this blaze (the burning laboratory) You'll not soon see another so spectacular!

Samuel Johnson

Babies do not want to hear about babies; they like to be told of giants & castles & of something which can stretch their little minds


Just pick up your phone - we're already on the line

Marilyn S Bateman

The Lord knows your name. Take a step into the unknown, He will guide you.

Donald L Staheli

Our testimonies are vulnerable, get on your knees and go to work

Donald J Butler

If you ask yourself everyday 'what would the Lord have me do?' You'll know

Beckstead (MV)

The most incredible experiences not only come as a result of prayer, but during prayer

??????? Unknown Authors

The word of the Lord falls with the force of a snowflake

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going

Satan has only the power that we give him. He operates on the principle of fear & deception. The devil can not force us to do evil. He is not the cause of our wickedness

It doesn’t matter if you want to do it or not – you said that you would

Are you inconsistently crying out for consistency?

JOY = Joining Others & Yourself

We are not intended to be alone for time or eternity

He who does not pray when the sun shines will not know how to pray when the clouds roll in

I will never give anyone a reason to say 'I thought I could depend on [your name here]'

If you tune up in the morning you will stay in harmony all day

If you get knocked down 7 times, get up 8

When the things of the world crowd in - all too often the bad things take over

If you want to please everybody, you'll die before your time

The trials that we have help us with the trials that will come

The spirit was so strong I felt like I couldn't contain my happiness

I murmured because I had no shoes - until I saw a man who had no feet

The person you pick & the children you have are yours for time & all eternity

If God is with us, why should we fear? The righteous need not fear.

What we do know is that what we have done is very pleasing to our Heavenly Father

I know that I have a Father in Heaven & He looks down upon me. When we do things that are wrong, it pains Him

I used to look at all of the things I couldn't do - but now I look at all of the things I can do.

Reputation through 1000 years may depend on the conduct of a single moment

It is a still small voice & you have to have the expectation to hear it's answer

My goal is to be a missionary through example

Every great man is born of a greater mother

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eye off the goal

A soul saved from the world is as precious as a soul saved at home

Life is God's gift to you - what you do with it is your gift to God

I need the atonement. I was a wreck & the Savior saved me.

If God is with us, who should we fear?
The person you marry & the children you have will be yours for all eternity
Separate yourselves, not isolate yourselves from the world.
We do not need an invitation to be an example

Find the things that bring you joy & develop those talents

Find the things that bring you pain & do away with them
Christ paid our price – so we should remember Him
Satan knows our weaknesses so well, that he’ll do anything to take us out
If you’re knocked down 7 times, get up 8
Sometimes we lose a battle; but, we didn’t lose the war

Keep the Sabbath day Holy

Occupy the day w/ the Lord

Use the day to rest & refresh

Go to firesides

Go to church early

Prepare for the Sabbath on Saturday

Going to the temple is vital. Not only for your mission, but for your entire life
The essence of all we do in this church centers around the temple

They found joy in serving by getting rid of “I” & “me”

You need to know the “why” of the rules

Be thankful for your ancestors, who came before you. They are why you are who you are.

True friend is someone who helps you live the gospel better

If you play with the hearts of women,
Be they old or merry maids.
I’m sure you’ll regret it, my son,
As sure as spades are spades.
You’ve laughed & joked with the boys
At the way you’ve strung girls along
& never considered the pain you’ve caused,
Nor thinking you’ve done wrong
But wait; sometime you’ll really love
And then you’ll begin to pray
For the hearts you’ve broken will give you no rest,
In your dream, work, & play.
You’ll see their faces as you talked to them
You’ll remember the look in their eyes
As you spoke of love & other things
& oh! How you’ll hate those lies
For the day that you find yourself in love
With a girl so wonderful and fair,
You’ll think of the hearts you have trifled with
& begin to doubt if she’s been square
When you kiss the lips of the one you love
As you leave her at the door
You’ll wonder in spite of all you do
If she’s been kissed that way before
That day it will all come back to you
& the question you’ll ask will be
I’ve fooled & played with a dozen girls
Do you suppose she’s playing with me?
For the things she does though innocent
Will find your heart in doubt
& the minutes you spend away from her
Will tear your heart strings out
You’ll never think she’s doing right
Though she does & tries her best
You’ll be jealous of every man you see
& think that she loves the rest
For you’ll think of the girls you’ve kissed
& you’ll reason that this is true
The things I can do to another man’s girl
The other man to my girl can do!

I love you for the happiness

You bring to me each day
I love you for the kindness
Of your always thoughtful way
I love you for the tenderness
That lies within your heart
I love you for the way you say
“I’ll miss you when we part”
I love you for the patience
When I do something wrong
I love you for the laughter
That lingers like a song
I love you for the gentle way
You cheer me when I’m sad
I love you for the little things
You do to make me glad
I love you for the faith & strength
That you have given me
I love you for the beauty
That you help me to see
I love you for your love for me
So constant and so true
But most of all, I love you
Just because you’re you

Johnny stuck jellybeans up his nose

That’s a pretty dumb thing to do
But the other kids said
Hey John’s real cool
Let’s put beans up our noses too!
Well, a kid can’t breathe with beans up his nose
Cause they all get stuck inside
So John & the kids
Well I hate to say it
But they coughed & they choked & they died
That’s a pretty grim tale, I must admit
& it may not all be true
Still when someone cool does something dumb
You don’t have to do it too
So don’t be one of those
With jellybeans up your nose.

It’s wondrous what a hug can do. A hug can say “I love you so,” or “Gee, I hate to see you go” A hug is a welcome back again & “Great to see you, where’ve you been?” A hug can soothe a small child’s pain & bring a rainbow after rain. The hug! There’s just no doubt about it. We scarcely could survive without it! A hug delights & warms & charms. It must be the reason God gave us arms. Hugs are great for fathers & mothers; sweet for sisters; swell for brothers. & chances are your favorite aunts love them more than potted plants. Kittens crave them; puppies love them; heads of state are not above them. A hug can break the language barrier & make your travels much merrier. No need to fret about your store of ‘em; the more you give the more there’s more of ‘em. So stretch those arms without delay & give someone a hug today!

When a friend hurts us we should write it down in the sand, where the winds of forgiveness will erase it. When something good happens we should engrave it on the stone of the memories in our hearts, where no wind will erase it.

Know your religion - Mission Viejo 2/10/01

When that little voice says: 'don't do that!' 'don't go there!' 'don't watch that movie!' Obey that voice!

Be cheerful. Jesus is there & He helps. 'Look to me & I will help you' He redeems us from our sins

When that little voice says “don’t do that; don’t go there; don’t watch that movie” obey that voice!

#1. Be cheerful

Look to Jesus – He will help you

He redeems us from sin & resurrects us

#2. Be uncondemning

He who is without sin cast the 1st stone

Jesus is the prime exemplar

#3. Be complimentary

Use the garment of praise

D&C 25

Be a comfort

Don’t point out others mistakes

Jesus takes disaster & turns it into beauty

Isa 60:1

Laruel Harmon

Fear is the antithesis of faith

Take His hand & don't let go!

Greg Lowe

This is a constant battle. We can never let down our guard, we can not afford to.

I know trials make us stronger. We can't get to the peak just by jumping

Russ Greiner

There is nothing that can keep us out of the celestial kingdom but ourselves

The woman I want to be will not allow the girl that I am to rob the children that I will have of the chastity & birthright of a father.

Lust is putting the flesh over the spirit

If you don't have a testimony of your very own - you WILL fall.

Put up a 'no trespassing' 'no dumping' sign - take control of yourself

You can not break the commandments - you can only break yourself in trying

How would we know the good if we didn't know the bad?

A true friend is someone who helps you live the gospel better

Discipline: Instant obedience to orders
Disciple: by you own choice you’re dedicated to follow a set of rules.

The trails that we have will help us with the trials that will come

Trails make you stronger. They help you move forward.

Ben R Shippen

Do we have the personal strength to accept the verdict even if it counters our desires?

The Book of Mormon is not on trial, the people of the world, including members, are on trial with what they do with this second witness of Jesus Christ.

We need to marry the right time to the right person

Jack Frost

As long as you hold someone in your heart, you can never lose them...ever

Every time we say goodbye, I cry a little

Marilyn Middleton

We sometimes forget that Satan is real. We sometimes forget there is a devil.

The journey is an exciting one but - it is a war!

Anne C Pingree

Many small people in many small places doing many small things can change the face of the world.

Ezera T Benson

The world would take people out of the slums. Christ takes the slums out of people, and then they take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature

Let us not treat lightly the great things we have received from the hand of the Lord!

Now is the day of the Lord's great power & now is the day of the adversary's great power

The Doctrine & Covenants ("D&C") brings men to Christ's kingdom. The D&C is the capstone of our religion. The keystone and the capstone help us understand the cornerstone of our religion

When obedience ceases to be an irritant and becomes our quest, in that moment, God will endow us with power.

Let us never be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let us never be afraid to do what is right. Let us trust in God & keep His commandments. I know & so do you who have testimonies of the divinity of this work that without God’s help we cannot succeed but with His help we can accomplish anything He asks us to do.

Boyd K Packer

If we say that we don’t sin then we do not live honestly

If we say we sin not, we make God a liar & His spirit does not dwell in us.

True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes & behavior. The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior.

Life is a homeward journey

Except for the Bible, the Book of Mormon is different from any book you have read. It is not a novel. It is not fiction. For the most part, it is not difficult to read. However, like all books of profound value, it is not casual reading. But if you persist, I assure you that it will be the most rewarding book you have ever set your mind to read.

Ron Packer

There are ways you can serve the Lord & serve in other places

Latterday Saints know more about America - so we should love her more.

A baby is born every time God needs something done

This country & this nation was born for the church & for the restoration of the church

Adam & Eve started the world’s population in America

Darwin B Christianson

Look to the Book of Mormon on how to praise your children

Bruce R McConkie

In the coming years, I will bathe His feet with my tears.

I believe in Christ. He ransoms me. From Satan's grasp, He sets me free.

Jesus Christ did not kneel but the pain was so great that he lay prostrate on the ground

Harold B Lee

Happiness comes from unselfish service

Marlin K Jensen

Those who think they are humble, aren't

- True humility will lead us to say to God “Thy will be done”

- Satan became the adversary through pride

- President Hinkley is a man of God & was inspired to teach us to be humble

Heber J Grant

There are no people that make sacrifices that we do, but for us it is not a sacrifice, but a privilege. The privilege of obedience, the privilege of entering into a working partnership with our Father in Heaven & earning the choice blessings promised to those who love Him & keep His commandments

The prayerful & humble man will always realize & feel that he is dependent upon the Lord for every blessing he enjoys & in praying for God he will not only pray for the light & the inspiration of His Holy Spirit to guide him, but he will feel to thank Him for the blessings that he receives, realizing that life…health…strength & all the intelligence which he possesses come from God – who is the Author of his existence

L Tom Perry

The Lord seems to be preparing us for much more than the winding up of mortality

They gave us their lives to preserve what we have today.

Blessed be the name of God for because of my transgression – my eyes are open.

Doctrine & Covenants gives evidence of the power of translation by Joseph Smith

Spencer W Kimball

The family relationship continues through eternity. It is the lofitest & most sacred human relationship we know.

'Remember' is the most important word in the dictionary.

Those who keep their vows in the temple will achieve eternal life

Joseph Smith Jr.

Nothing is so much calculated to lead people to forsake sin as to take them by the hand, and watch over them with tenderness. When persons manifest the least kindness & love to me, O what power it has over my mind, while the opposite course has a tendency to harrow up all the harsh feelings & depress the human mind.

I teach them correct principles & they govern themselves accordingly.

The will of God will not take you where the grace of God can not protect you.

You can not go anywhere but where God can find you out.

The Book of Mormon is the most correct book on this earth & men will grow closer to God by abiding by its precepts.

Baptism for the dead is the most glorious principle.

He partook of the fruit for one good reason. That is to bring you & me & everyone else into this world (about Adam)

Gordon B Hinkley

I love this work & marvel at its growth

 it is the faith within us that is evidence of all we do

The power to help lies within each of us

I wish to face each day with resolution & purpose.

without Him we are nothing. With Him we are everything
The Lord never asks us to do anything that He does not attach to it a blessing

I believe that if we will walk in obedience to the commandments of God...he will open a way where there appears to be no way

those who reach out to lift and serve others will come to know a happiness ... never known before. ... Heaven knows there are so very, very, very many people in this world who need help. Oh, so very ... many. Let's get the cankering, selfish attitude out of our lives, my brothers and sisters, and stand a little taller and reach a little higher in the service of others.

Still (added by JR Holland)
involved(added by JR Holland)

If there is anything you & I need in the world, it is faith.

This is one of the greatest times there has ever been among men...these are also terrible times...All the sins of Sodom & Gomorrah haunt our society.

I do not worry about the youth that pray twice a day.
How different is life when we have a perspective of eternal life

I hope, my brothers & sisters, that you are holding your Family Home Evenings with your children. You cannot afford to postpone this. The days, the months, and the years will pass so quickly & before too long, it will be too late

Effective teaching is the very essence of leadership in the church

I can scarcely restrain my emotions as I think of what the Lord has done for us

The era in which we live is the fullness of times spoken of in the scriptures

During my own lifetime, I have witnessed miracle after wondrous miracle come to pass. We take it for granted.

We are not changing. The world’s perception of us is changing.

We live in a season where fierce men do terrible & despicable things. We live in a season of war. We live in a season of arrogance. We live in a season of wickedness, pornography, immorality. All the sins of Sodom & Gomorrah haunt our society.

Our voice is heard when we speak up.

Our strength is our faith in the Almighty.

May our faith shine forth as the sunlight of the morning. May we walk in obedience to His divine commandments. May He smile with favor upon us and as we go forward, may we bless humanity with an outreach to all, lifting those who are down trodden and oppressed; feeding & clothing the hungry & the needy; extending love & neighborliness to those about us who may not be a part of this church. The Lord has shown us the way.

We have done well…but we can do better, so much better

James E Faust

Lucifer wants you to fail. Discouragement is one of the devils tools. Have courage & go forward. Recognize that the gospel has been preached with some pain & sorrow from the very beginning of time. Do not expect that your experience will be otherwise

Self mastry is doing those things we should do & not doing the things we shouldn’t do

Any man or woman who enjoys the master’s touch is like potter’s clay in his hands. More important than acquiring fame or fortune is being what God wants us to be. Before we come to this earth, we may have been fashioned to do some small good in this life that no one else can do. The Lord said to Jeremiah ‘Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee & before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee & I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations’ If God has a work for those w/ many talents, I believe he also has an important work for those of us who have few

Obedience helps us develop the full potential of our Heavenly Father's desires for us, in becoming Celestial beings - worthy, someday, to live in His presence.

If God has a work for those with many talents, I believe He also has an important work for those of us who have few.

Some of the most rewarding times of our lives are in those 'extra mile' hours given in service when the body says it wants to relax but our better self emerges & says 'here I am, send me'

Henry B Eyring

It is easy to say 'the time isn't right' but there is danger in procrastination

'Now' can seem so difficult & 'later' appear much easier. The truth that today is always a better day to repent than any tomorrow.

There will be times when you will feel overwhelmed. One of the ways you will be attacked is with the feeling you are inadequate. Well, you are inadequate to answer a call to represent God with only your own powers; but, you have access to more than your natural capacities and you do not work alone. The Lord will magnify what you say & wahat you do in the eyes of the people you serve.

Neal A Maxwell

The worlds is in commotion but the church is in forward motion

The togetherness of technology is no substitute for the family

Be a local peace maker in a world where peace has been taken

What is mocking now when later you hear these words ‘Well done, thou good & faithful servant.’

Not only Thy will be done, but Thy timing be done as well

The putting off of the natural man allows putting on the armor of God which would not fit before.

On occasion, the God above has wept

The more we know of Jesus, the more we will love Him, trust Him, & want to be like Him

Considering what Jesus died for, are we willing to live with…challenges?

Everything depends initially & finally on our desires

It is important in our relationships w/ our fellow men, that we approach them as neighbors & as bothers & sisters than coming at them flinging theological thunderbolts

Sometimes even the most articulate & inspiring words fail to bring the desired change because of the hearer’s refusal to listen, but we need to be ready even if he is not. Ready, not only w/ content but with conviction. A casual, uncaring testimony may not be an effective witness at all.

We need no invitation to be an example.

It is very important that we not assume the perspectives of mortality in making decisions that bear on eternity! We need the perspectives of the gospel to make decisions in the context of eternity. We need to understand we can not do the Lord's work in the world's way.

Act now, so that a thousand years from now, when you look back at this moment, you can say, this was a moment that mattered. This was a day of determination.

True Christian soldiers are more than weekend warriors.

Old timers should not speak so much of the good old days - but rather labor to bring even better days

We can be walking witnesses & standing sermons to which objective onlookers can say a quite "amen."

There are certain mortal moments & minutes that matter. Certain hinge points in the history of each human. Some seconds are so decisive they shrink the soul, while other seconds are spent so as to stretch the soul.

The particular hypocrisy of the sinner is that he pretends to he is happy when truly his heart is pierced with deep wounds, for wickedness never was happiness.

The meek make stepping stones of stumbling blocks.

Separate yourselves, not isolate ourselves from the world

We face no hindering traffic jams on the road to repentance. It is a toll road not a freeway; and, applying Christ's atonement will speed us along.

What will we say to the heros & heroines of Martin's Cove & the Sweetwater? That 'we admire you but we are reluctant to wade through our own rivers of chilling adversity'?

Believe in order to understand instead of understand in order to believe.

Jesus did not shrink in Gethsemane - nor on Calvary

God will give us priceless, personal assurances through the Holy Ghost. Whether in tranquil times or turbulent times, our best source of comfort IS the Comforter.

How quickly and easily the few are mislead! Such members may know superficially of the doctrines of the kingdom, but their root system is shallow. Though able to provide doctrinal recitation, they seem not to know wither the implications or interconnections of those doctrines. For instance, instead of wisely noticing the warning leaves on the fig tree, a few proceed to fixate on the specific timing of Jesus' second coming. Yet the Savior clearly stated, "but of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." (Matt 23.36) Clearly, since even the angels in heaven - an otherwise reasonably well informed group - do not know we should be wary of mortals obsessed with calendering. So often moderngnostics who in one exotic way or another pretend to be "in the know" are, in fact, spiritually "out of town"! Meanwhile, mature members will take time both to smell the flowers & to watch the leaves on the fig tree to see when "summer is nigh" (Matt 24. 32-53)

Joseph B Wirthlin

Fasting coupled w/ prayer is powerful when we fast we have more understanding of the poor & needy

Only when our faith is aligned with the will of our Heavenly Father, we will be empowered to receive the blessings we seek

Truly understood and properly practiced, faith is one of the grand and glorious powers of eternity. It is like a force powerful beyond our comprehension.

If we will consider the blessings we have, we will forget some of our worries
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

The only thing you need to worry about is striving to be the best you can be

M Russell Ballard

it is no small thing to have a prophet of God in our midst

There are high standards. We understand that; but, we do not apologize for them. keep yourselves clean pure & valiant by doing such simple things as:

1. Developing a meaningful prayer relationship with your Heavenly Father
2. Keeping the Sabbath day holy
3. Working & putting part of your earnings in a savings account
4. Paying a full and honest tithing
5. Limiting amount the time spent playing computer games
6. Giving the Lord more of your time by studying the scriptures and gaining an understanding of the marvelous message of the restoration, we have, for the world
7. Serving others and sharing your testimony with them - we expect you to look and act like one of His disciples. Don't follow worldly trends and fashions. you are better than that

Joseph F. Smith

Some members of the church have an erroneous idea that when the millenium comes, all of the people are going to be swept off the earth except the righteous members of the church. That is not so. There will be millions of people: Catholics, Prodestants, Agnostics, Mohommedans, people of all classes and all beliefs still permitted to remain on the face of the earth; but, they will be those who have lead clean lives...there will be a need for the preaching of the gospel after the millenium is brought in, until all men are either converted or pass away.

The Lord has made it very clear that we do not have to serve Him, but if we seek the blessings of righteousness we will serve Him, & there is no peace nor happiness, no joy nor satisfaction, nor freedom in any other course. Let our love extend & our righteousness increase for our own sakes & for those who depend on us