
James E Faust

Lucifer wants you to fail. Discouragement is one of the devils tools. Have courage & go forward. Recognize that the gospel has been preached with some pain & sorrow from the very beginning of time. Do not expect that your experience will be otherwise

Self mastry is doing those things we should do & not doing the things we shouldn’t do

Any man or woman who enjoys the master’s touch is like potter’s clay in his hands. More important than acquiring fame or fortune is being what God wants us to be. Before we come to this earth, we may have been fashioned to do some small good in this life that no one else can do. The Lord said to Jeremiah ‘Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee & before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee & I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations’ If God has a work for those w/ many talents, I believe he also has an important work for those of us who have few

Obedience helps us develop the full potential of our Heavenly Father's desires for us, in becoming Celestial beings - worthy, someday, to live in His presence.

If God has a work for those with many talents, I believe He also has an important work for those of us who have few.

Some of the most rewarding times of our lives are in those 'extra mile' hours given in service when the body says it wants to relax but our better self emerges & says 'here I am, send me'

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