
Neal A Maxwell

The worlds is in commotion but the church is in forward motion

The togetherness of technology is no substitute for the family

Be a local peace maker in a world where peace has been taken

What is mocking now when later you hear these words ‘Well done, thou good & faithful servant.’

Not only Thy will be done, but Thy timing be done as well

The putting off of the natural man allows putting on the armor of God which would not fit before.

On occasion, the God above has wept

The more we know of Jesus, the more we will love Him, trust Him, & want to be like Him

Considering what Jesus died for, are we willing to live with…challenges?

Everything depends initially & finally on our desires

It is important in our relationships w/ our fellow men, that we approach them as neighbors & as bothers & sisters than coming at them flinging theological thunderbolts

Sometimes even the most articulate & inspiring words fail to bring the desired change because of the hearer’s refusal to listen, but we need to be ready even if he is not. Ready, not only w/ content but with conviction. A casual, uncaring testimony may not be an effective witness at all.

We need no invitation to be an example.

It is very important that we not assume the perspectives of mortality in making decisions that bear on eternity! We need the perspectives of the gospel to make decisions in the context of eternity. We need to understand we can not do the Lord's work in the world's way.

Act now, so that a thousand years from now, when you look back at this moment, you can say, this was a moment that mattered. This was a day of determination.

True Christian soldiers are more than weekend warriors.

Old timers should not speak so much of the good old days - but rather labor to bring even better days

We can be walking witnesses & standing sermons to which objective onlookers can say a quite "amen."

There are certain mortal moments & minutes that matter. Certain hinge points in the history of each human. Some seconds are so decisive they shrink the soul, while other seconds are spent so as to stretch the soul.

The particular hypocrisy of the sinner is that he pretends to he is happy when truly his heart is pierced with deep wounds, for wickedness never was happiness.

The meek make stepping stones of stumbling blocks.

Separate yourselves, not isolate ourselves from the world

We face no hindering traffic jams on the road to repentance. It is a toll road not a freeway; and, applying Christ's atonement will speed us along.

What will we say to the heros & heroines of Martin's Cove & the Sweetwater? That 'we admire you but we are reluctant to wade through our own rivers of chilling adversity'?

Believe in order to understand instead of understand in order to believe.

Jesus did not shrink in Gethsemane - nor on Calvary

God will give us priceless, personal assurances through the Holy Ghost. Whether in tranquil times or turbulent times, our best source of comfort IS the Comforter.

How quickly and easily the few are mislead! Such members may know superficially of the doctrines of the kingdom, but their root system is shallow. Though able to provide doctrinal recitation, they seem not to know wither the implications or interconnections of those doctrines. For instance, instead of wisely noticing the warning leaves on the fig tree, a few proceed to fixate on the specific timing of Jesus' second coming. Yet the Savior clearly stated, "but of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." (Matt 23.36) Clearly, since even the angels in heaven - an otherwise reasonably well informed group - do not know we should be wary of mortals obsessed with calendering. So often moderngnostics who in one exotic way or another pretend to be "in the know" are, in fact, spiritually "out of town"! Meanwhile, mature members will take time both to smell the flowers & to watch the leaves on the fig tree to see when "summer is nigh" (Matt 24. 32-53)

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