
??????? Unknown Authors

The word of the Lord falls with the force of a snowflake

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going

Satan has only the power that we give him. He operates on the principle of fear & deception. The devil can not force us to do evil. He is not the cause of our wickedness

It doesn’t matter if you want to do it or not – you said that you would

Are you inconsistently crying out for consistency?

JOY = Joining Others & Yourself

We are not intended to be alone for time or eternity

He who does not pray when the sun shines will not know how to pray when the clouds roll in

I will never give anyone a reason to say 'I thought I could depend on [your name here]'

If you tune up in the morning you will stay in harmony all day

If you get knocked down 7 times, get up 8

When the things of the world crowd in - all too often the bad things take over

If you want to please everybody, you'll die before your time

The trials that we have help us with the trials that will come

The spirit was so strong I felt like I couldn't contain my happiness

I murmured because I had no shoes - until I saw a man who had no feet

The person you pick & the children you have are yours for time & all eternity

If God is with us, why should we fear? The righteous need not fear.

What we do know is that what we have done is very pleasing to our Heavenly Father

I know that I have a Father in Heaven & He looks down upon me. When we do things that are wrong, it pains Him

I used to look at all of the things I couldn't do - but now I look at all of the things I can do.

Reputation through 1000 years may depend on the conduct of a single moment

It is a still small voice & you have to have the expectation to hear it's answer

My goal is to be a missionary through example

Every great man is born of a greater mother

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eye off the goal

A soul saved from the world is as precious as a soul saved at home

Life is God's gift to you - what you do with it is your gift to God

I need the atonement. I was a wreck & the Savior saved me.

If God is with us, who should we fear?
The person you marry & the children you have will be yours for all eternity
Separate yourselves, not isolate yourselves from the world.
We do not need an invitation to be an example

Find the things that bring you joy & develop those talents

Find the things that bring you pain & do away with them
Christ paid our price – so we should remember Him
Satan knows our weaknesses so well, that he’ll do anything to take us out
If you’re knocked down 7 times, get up 8
Sometimes we lose a battle; but, we didn’t lose the war

Keep the Sabbath day Holy

Occupy the day w/ the Lord

Use the day to rest & refresh

Go to firesides

Go to church early

Prepare for the Sabbath on Saturday

Going to the temple is vital. Not only for your mission, but for your entire life
The essence of all we do in this church centers around the temple

They found joy in serving by getting rid of “I” & “me”

You need to know the “why” of the rules

Be thankful for your ancestors, who came before you. They are why you are who you are.

True friend is someone who helps you live the gospel better

If you play with the hearts of women,
Be they old or merry maids.
I’m sure you’ll regret it, my son,
As sure as spades are spades.
You’ve laughed & joked with the boys
At the way you’ve strung girls along
& never considered the pain you’ve caused,
Nor thinking you’ve done wrong
But wait; sometime you’ll really love
And then you’ll begin to pray
For the hearts you’ve broken will give you no rest,
In your dream, work, & play.
You’ll see their faces as you talked to them
You’ll remember the look in their eyes
As you spoke of love & other things
& oh! How you’ll hate those lies
For the day that you find yourself in love
With a girl so wonderful and fair,
You’ll think of the hearts you have trifled with
& begin to doubt if she’s been square
When you kiss the lips of the one you love
As you leave her at the door
You’ll wonder in spite of all you do
If she’s been kissed that way before
That day it will all come back to you
& the question you’ll ask will be
I’ve fooled & played with a dozen girls
Do you suppose she’s playing with me?
For the things she does though innocent
Will find your heart in doubt
& the minutes you spend away from her
Will tear your heart strings out
You’ll never think she’s doing right
Though she does & tries her best
You’ll be jealous of every man you see
& think that she loves the rest
For you’ll think of the girls you’ve kissed
& you’ll reason that this is true
The things I can do to another man’s girl
The other man to my girl can do!

I love you for the happiness

You bring to me each day
I love you for the kindness
Of your always thoughtful way
I love you for the tenderness
That lies within your heart
I love you for the way you say
“I’ll miss you when we part”
I love you for the patience
When I do something wrong
I love you for the laughter
That lingers like a song
I love you for the gentle way
You cheer me when I’m sad
I love you for the little things
You do to make me glad
I love you for the faith & strength
That you have given me
I love you for the beauty
That you help me to see
I love you for your love for me
So constant and so true
But most of all, I love you
Just because you’re you

Johnny stuck jellybeans up his nose

That’s a pretty dumb thing to do
But the other kids said
Hey John’s real cool
Let’s put beans up our noses too!
Well, a kid can’t breathe with beans up his nose
Cause they all get stuck inside
So John & the kids
Well I hate to say it
But they coughed & they choked & they died
That’s a pretty grim tale, I must admit
& it may not all be true
Still when someone cool does something dumb
You don’t have to do it too
So don’t be one of those
With jellybeans up your nose.

It’s wondrous what a hug can do. A hug can say “I love you so,” or “Gee, I hate to see you go” A hug is a welcome back again & “Great to see you, where’ve you been?” A hug can soothe a small child’s pain & bring a rainbow after rain. The hug! There’s just no doubt about it. We scarcely could survive without it! A hug delights & warms & charms. It must be the reason God gave us arms. Hugs are great for fathers & mothers; sweet for sisters; swell for brothers. & chances are your favorite aunts love them more than potted plants. Kittens crave them; puppies love them; heads of state are not above them. A hug can break the language barrier & make your travels much merrier. No need to fret about your store of ‘em; the more you give the more there’s more of ‘em. So stretch those arms without delay & give someone a hug today!

When a friend hurts us we should write it down in the sand, where the winds of forgiveness will erase it. When something good happens we should engrave it on the stone of the memories in our hearts, where no wind will erase it.

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